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Interview with Author Cindy K. Sproles!

Hi, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your week so far. We're already halfway to the weekend!

Today, I have an exciting interview to share with you. I got the opportunity to chat with author Cindy K. Sproles about her many publications and career. Cindy is a talented author, conference speaker, and more! She also regularly contributes to Voice Magazine for Women, writing articles about elder care. Her latest novel, Coal Black Lies, is coming out June 18th! You can pre-order it from Amazon here.

Cindy and I had a great conversation, both for this blog Q&A as well as JCP's podcast, Bookmarked. My podcast interview with Cindy will be coming out THIS FRIDAY, so be sure to listen to that as soon as you're able.

Now, please enjoy the following Q&A with Cindy!

BOOKMARKED: At what point in your life did you realize you wanted to be a writer? 

CINDY K. SPROLES: Like most writers, the stories brewed in me from childhood, but when I told my high school counselor I wanted to be a writer, he laughed at me. I remember the sting of his words, “You need a job after high school, not a hobby.”

I was naive enough to believe that, so I put the dream on the back burner. Still, it simmered in my heart, and when my children were in their teens, I took the leap of faith, began to learn the craft, and pursued my dream to be a novelist. So, the short answer to your question is, a serious shift to make this happen began in 2000. Here I am, 24 years later, grateful for the path and fortunate to have my sixth novel being contracted and written.


Where do you typically get the inspiration for your novels? 

Everywhere and anywhere. Sometimes it’s as simple as seeing the face of an individual or asking questions like, “What if?” Stories are everywhere. We only have to take a hint from the world around us and then let our imagination fly. I am always inspired by the mountains, old cabins, and the river. Anything that makes me daydream can bring about a story.


Out of all the novels you've written so far, which would you recommend someone read first, and why?

Oh my. That’s like asking which of your children do you love the most!

All of my books are nestled under a group called "An Appalachian Novel," but each book is a standalone book, so you don’t have to read one before the other. They are not chronological, and none of the characters repeat in other books, so you can pick up any one and be right in the moment of that Appalachian family.

I will say, "Coal Black Lies" came from the inspiration of a man I deeply respect. That made the story dear to me. I can’t choose between my “children.” I can only say, most of my stories are about the hardships in the mountains. They are families or individuals who face subjects that were prominent in the 1800s and are just as prominent today. You will find hardship, rejection, and redemption in every book, so choose one and walk the path. You won’t be disappointed by the resolution.


Describe your newest book, Coal Black Lies, in three words. 

Twists and turns.


What's next for you? Do you have any ideas for future books?  

Thank you for asking. My agent has just landed a contract for book six. That book is currently titled, "The Eyes of River." The historical significance of this book is based around the time that folks could actually mail a child through the U.S. Mail.

Yep, it’s true. The story is about a girl who mails her brother to a friend to protect him. Again, a book filled with twists and turns.


Is there anything you'd like to say to your many supporters and fans over the years? 

Oh, yes. I am more than grateful for my readers. Because of you, I am able to continue to write the stories of the Appalachian Mountains. Because of you, I am blessed. Because you encourage others to read these novels means that you love the Appalachian Mountains as much as I do. "Thank you" doesn’t seem to be enough, but it seems to be the best I can say. I am honored and blessed by you. Thank you, again.


If you enjoyed this Q&A, again, please check out my podcast interview with Cindy on Friday! I asked her different questions than in this blog Q&A, so you won't want to miss out on our chat!

Cindy's website can be found here to learn more about her publications and personal background. She's a talented author and impressive person, so please read her books and follow her journey!

Thanks for reading another installment of Bookmarked! Have a wonderful week!


Allison Chudina

Magazine Content Editor & Editorial Assistant

Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.


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